Friday, May 27, 2011

TAG: How Random?

I discovered this tag on a fellow bloggers blog Jaci. She did a great job, so I decided that I should do this and fill in my lack of blogging lately! Here we go...

1. If you'd have a choice, what would you like to name yourself?
Hmm... this is a great question. I would have to pick Farrah and there is a great story behind this one. I started to introduce myself out at college parties with friends as Farrah so then weird boys could not add me on facebook, works every time =)

2. Do you have a particular colour that you reach out for more than your favorite colour?
My favorite color is green but for makeup I tend to stick to brown and tans for eyeshadow. I also wear a lot of black to work. Just looks so sleek and professional. So yes, there are colors that I reach for more often.

3. Did you have any other ambitions before you settled for your current one?
Ambitions, well I always thought I would move away to a 4 year college and become a nurse but I ended up staying in my hometown and going to a technical school and graduating as a Medical Assistant. I am now working in a job that I love so I guess everything works out for a reason, right? I will move away one day...

4. Do you interlace your shoe laces or lace them across?
I own like 1 pair of shoes with laces and I wear them to workout (when that actually happens)

5. Do you prefer to be a poor, happy kid or a rich, lonely kid?
That one is tough but you know what they always say money doesn't buy happiness. I would choose to be a poor happy kid because thinks can only get better =)

6. If you have the choice, what colour would you like to dye your hair?
I have honestly probably had every hair color in the book, red, brown, black, highlights... the only thing I have never had is straight up blonde hair. I think next I would like to get some warmer highlights on my dark brown hair.

7. If you were stuck on an island, what 3 things you'd bring with you?
Easy one.... Pepsi, Cellphone (iphone), Blanket....

8. Do you prefer tote bags, sling bags or backpacks?
I like tote bags so I can fit all of my junk in there. I am really amazed when I empty out my bag and find hidden treasures in there. I do have a lot of sling bags as well those are always great for shopping so both of your hands are free.

9. Do you have a favourite brand for jewellery/accessories?
I honestly do not wear a lot of jewelry. But I do have a lot of fashion rings that I have collected mostly from Charlotte Russe and Forever 21. They both have great cheap jewelry.

10. Do you have a habit that people found to be irritating?
Hmm... I don't think so but I am annoyed by a lot of peoples habits. biting nails is a big one ...

Alright ladies, I tag all of you
Enjoy =)

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