Friday, October 24, 2014

DIY Halloween Costume Ideas

Hey Loves! As Halloween is fast approaching you might be unsure of what you want to be and you don't want to go and spend a ton of money on a pre-made costume at the store. I am all about DIY costumes for cheap. You can actually be some really creative things for cheap and don't think you need to be crafty to make your own Halloween costumes.
If you aren't a creative genius or aren't sure of what you want to be you can always use Google or Pinterest to look for costume ideas. You don't have to be the usual cat or sexy devil like everyone else. You can practically create any thing you want into a costume. Here are some costumes I have created at home for myself over the years:

Navy Girl
 I was a girl in the Navy and I used used a larges men's shirt and cut/tied into a dress. I used puffy paint to write Navy and wore white heels. Simple.

Jello Shot
 I again used a large men's shirt and cut/tied into a dress. I used a white belt and hot glued 2 Jell-O shots and jello package to the front.

Wonder Woman
 This is one of my all time favorite costumes! I used a red tank top and painted the gold neck line with puff paint. I used gold foam and elastic to create the belt, wrist guards, and headband. I used iron on fabric for the stars on the blue shorts.

 I didn't wear this for a Halloween Costume but a friend had a White and Nerdy party. Just throw on any skirt, sweater, or white button up. Maybe add some pigtails or glasses.

 I wore this last year and totally loved it. I used Rit Yellow dye to dye all the yellow pieces.I picked up suspenders, black head band, pipe cleaners for the hair. You can create the eyes easily with Dixie cups. I have a separate blog post on how to create this costume yourself here.

Cowgirl and Cat
I obviously purchased my costume this year but I wanted to show that my friends easily were able to create costumes on a budget. For a cowgirl wear jeans or jean shorts, plaid shirt, and cowboy hat. If you want to be a cat just use any black dress or top you have and add cat ears and tail.

Hopefully these outfits gave you some more ideas for Halloween Costumes. I am in the process of making mine for this year and I am planning to create a blog post for that as well! Stay tuned.

Where to connect with me?
Pinterest: tilson8913
Ebates: Click here

Sunday, October 19, 2014

GRWM: Daily Look

Hey loves! I created another video for you guys. I did another get ready with me video and I did my daily go to look for work or school. Usually takes me less than 15 minutes and saves a lot of time in the morning. This is the perfect base for a day to night makeup look.

Where to connect with me?
Pinterest: tilson8913
Ebates: Click here

Sunday, October 12, 2014

NOTD: Snake Eye Green

Hey loves! I have been on the hunt for a good green polish that had some dimension. I know last year Chanel had come out with a green polish called Alchimie that had a metallic finish and it was all the rave. I love spending money on makeup but I am not about to spend $27 for a nail polish. I have been on the hunt for a similar color since then. I stumbled upon a Butter London Polish at Ulta a few weeks back which was just what I was looking for: 

Day Light Indoors
Day Light Indoors
Day Light Outdoors
I absolutely love this color polish. I know it will not be for everyone but I happen to love it. Reminds me of the color of a snake eye. The color is Wallis by Butter London.  I used 3 coats Wallis and finished with my all time favorite top coat by Seche Vite. You can find these polishes at Ulta, Sephora or on Butter London's website.  This is a more expensive brand but to me the splurge was worth it. I actually have not tried out Butter London before so I am excited to see the last power of the formula. This will be another holy grail fall polish for me and reminds of Halloween too! What do you think? Would you wear this spooky green polish?

Where to connect with me?
Pinterest: tilson8913
Ebates: Click here

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Get Ready With Me--VIDEO

Hey loves! I decided instead of posting another FOTD post I would just record a look while I was getting ready. I hope you all love it--

Where to connect with me?
Pinterest: tilson8913
Ebates: Click here