Thursday, May 15, 2014

Silky Smooth Legs for Summer

Hey loves! With summer fast approaching I figured I would share some of my go to products for soft smooth legs. I know shaving is not a favorite of very many ladies or men out there but you just have to do it, right? 

First if I know there are  upcoming special plans in a few days I make sure to moisturize my legs extra leading up to the event. I also like to give my legs a break from shaving for a few days. I find I have better results if my stubble is a little longer. Keep reading to find out my favorite moisturizers.

If you have extra thick leg hair-like myself- I like to use Nair for 5-8 minutes before I shower and shave just to help soften the hair and follicles. 

Now I like to shave my legs in the shower and because I make this a longer process I find this is a great time for a deep repair mask in my hair. I like to use my loofa and body wash to clean the skin before shaving. My favorite body wash is the Caress Exfoliating Body Wash.

Next I rinse off the soap and usually apply a shave gel or conditioner I am trying to use up. My favorites are EOS Shave Balm or Skintimate Shaving Cream. 

Now we are ready to shave. Remember to use slow and soft motions all the way up the leg. I like to do my lower leg, knee, and then my thigh but order doesn't matter. My favorite current razor is the Schick Quattro for Men. This is the best razor I have ever used. 

After I am done shaving I like to use a body exfoliator to help get rid of the dead skin cells that can make your legs feel less smooth to the touch. I like to use my St. Ive Apricot Scrub. Yes, the one that I use on my face. I find this is the best exfoliator around-inexpensive too. 

I rinse out my conditioner and dry myself off. Within 5 minutes if getting out the shower I apply a heavy coat of moisturizer. I usually don't go for heavy scented body lotions like the ones from Bath & Body Works because I don't think contain enough moisturizing properties. My newest favorite is the Jergens BB Body Perfecting Skin Cream, Nivea Extended Moisture Daily Lotion, and if I want something with a little more scent I will apply this lotion over top of these moisturizers- Boutique White Nectarine & Pear Softening Hand & Nail Cream. 

Finally if I am showing a lot of leg for an event or need to add a little coverage or my legs I love the Sally Hansen Airbrush Legs Lotion. I love how things hides the appearance of bruising or veins on my legs. The best part is that this leg makeup is waterproof so you can sit on all the white chairs you want without being worried about leaving stains. 

Steps for the perfect shave:
1. Pre-moisturize 
2. Nair if needed
3. Wash legs
4. Apply shaving cream or conditioner
5. Shave
6. Exfoliate
7. Moisturize 
8. Conceal

Hopefully this helps you achieve those amazing summer legs that are plastered in every magazine.  I do skip a few of these steps on the regular but if I have a wedding or day at the beach I will take the extra time for my leg routine.  Do you have a favorite shaving product?

Happy Shaving 

Where to connect with me?
Pinterest: tilson8913
Ebates: Click here

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