Monday, November 24, 2014

Tips for Staying Healthy During Winter

Hey loves! I know this isn't my typical beauty post but I think staying healthy during cold season is very important as well. We all know the feeling of laying in bed for days with a cough and fever. How miserable! No one wants to waste their precious vacation time on an illness that should be used on fun things, right?

Drink Water
I am sure you have heard this a million and one times but water is very important in keeping your cells and body functioning properly. The recommended amount of water is half of your body weight in ounces daily. I know that seems like a lot but if you carry a water bottle at all times is can actually be accomplished very easily. 

Regular Exercise
Again this is not only great during the winter months but all year. Exercise can help to maintain weight, increase mood, and decrease risks for disease. I know when I exercise regularly I find that I am more productive.

More Sleep
Getting the recommended 7.5 to 9 hours of sleep per night can help you maintain focus and keep an increased energy level. Maintaining a regular schedule will allow to make healthier food choices staying away from sugary drinks like soda to keep your mind sharp during the day.

Year around you need to be consuming a fair number of fruits and vegetables but this is ever so important during the winter months. Increased levels of Vitamin C are thought to help rid off colds and flu's. If you are not a fan of veggies or fruit trying juicing!

Hand washing
If you work in healthcare then you know the number one way to stop the spread of germs is by proper hand washing. Remember to get all surfaces of your hand including between your fingers for at least 15 seconds. 

Hopefully you find these tips helpful in keeping yourself healthy during the cold and flu season. Remember hand sanitizer can be your friend when out in public places where your exposure risk increases. 

Keep the video ideas coming so I know what you are interested in seeing. Also, don't forget that in December I am doing BLOGcember with reviews every day for the whole month! I will also be putting up some videos as well. Don't forget to subscribe for future blog posts!

Use the hashtag #BLOGcember or #WiscoBeauty so I can see your posts!

Where to connect with me?

Pinterest: tilson8913
Youtube: Chelsea Tilson
Ebates: Click here

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