Sunday, March 13, 2011


Hello Everyone!! I have been so busy with work, school, and friends. Recently, I had a family member pass away. It has been crazy since my last blog but enough about that and on to the good stuff!

Recently, I haven't really purchased that many new products. I am still currently trying to use up all those half full used products under my sink. It is SO hard to try and use those when I have products I like better. Ugh, its alright I will suffer for a little awhile.

I have also realized that I am not very healthy and I have not really gained any weight by eating unhealthy but my body is more "squishy" and I am just not feeling that. I am going to try my hardest to eat more veggies and fruit, kick some of my Pepsi habit (I currently drinking at least 2 cans of Pepsi a day and I don't usually drink anything besides Pepsi and coffee I AM HORRIBLE)

Today we had beautiful weather in Wisconsin so I got on a little Spring Cleaning kick and vacuumed out my car and got some new floor mats! My car was filled with Pepsi cans, lip gloss, and wrappers. I am really bad about throwing that stuff out when I get out of my car. I am really really going to try and keep it clean. Hopefully, this week I can keep on this cleaning kick and go through the clothes in my closet. I have a lot of stuff that I don't wear and I don't know if its because it is winter and a lot of it is short sleeves or what. Guess we will have to wait and see.

I have planned to do some blogs reviewing some more products. I am waiting for my March BirchBox to come and I will hopefully get some pictures of those goodies and put them up. I may even review my products from my first birchbox (February) there were a lot of great products. i have seen some videos on YouTube that have March's birchbox and really doesn't really impress me.

I am off to bed, sweet dreams and look for some new blogs and reviews very soon!!


1 comment:

  1. Sorry to hear about your loss. I had 2 family members and a dog pass away this past year. It was rough. Just stay positive and strong, and know that it is the natural process of life.

    As for drinking Pepsi- I used to drink a lot of soda, and like zero water. I pretty much quit drinking soda for like 2 months. It was actually a lot easier than I thought. I honestly didnt have any cravings for it. It was harder to get used to drinking water, because its just so boring and tasteless. But I noticed I was losing some weight just by stopping that. And now, I drink soda like maybe once a week.

    What products did you get in your birchbox? I'd love to see a post :)

