Sunday, February 19, 2012

How do you...

Hey Ladies! I have been trying since January to try to get in shape. Now before we really get into this I am NOT saying that I am fat by any means. Just for myself and my health I would like to get into shape, not to lose weight, but to be able to run miles and feel good about myself. Anyways, I am a terrible eater I love to snack and eat fast food. I give into temptations everyday. I have given up drinking Pepsi daily. I now only drink soda probably 1-2 times a week. That is a huge improvement for me

I have a treadmill at my house and I purchased some cute running shoes to motivate myself. I did good for a little while walking/running 2-3 times a week for 30-60 minutes. I was feeling really good I tried to eat better and now I am stuck in this rut. I have made play lists of great running tunes and listening to Pandora stations. I have even watched beauty videos while running nothing like a little beauty motivation to kick myself into shape. It is all failing... help me

What kind of music do you listen to while working out?
What things motivate you to hop on the treadmill?


1 comment:

  1. Check out for running playlists! You can get 1 free 45 min playlist per month. I love it and it's essentially what helped me get my miles in at the gym. You definitely have to switch it up and not do all cardio. Try a Jillian Michaels DVD! She is obnoxious but her workout DVD's work :)

    Thanks for the follow, BTW! :)

