Monday, May 30, 2011

Review: E.l.f. Beautybook Smoky Eye Edition

Hello Ladies! I am back with a review on the ELF Beautybook Smoky eye edition. Now I already have this palette from last year which has more neutral colors and this year it is filled with greys, blues, and purples. I got it on clearance in Target a couple of weeks ago and just decided to use it tonight... hate when that happens. I paid $3.48 but originally it was $5. You can also buy these palettes online at

Swatches are not the greatest, sorry.

I am totally in love with the middle colors which happen to be purples. The deepest shade really caught my eye it is a plum with goldish shimmer. It did not show up very well in the swatch but I totally love it. I think the grey/black colors on the bottom row are the same as last years palette except that the black is matte this time instead of having shimmer which I love! I am not really too excited to play around the blues really. I honestly think that blue eye shadow can come off as trashy, no offense to those of you that love it I honestly just don't love it.
This palette also comes with a double sponge applicator and a mini eye liner. I use the sponge tip to create the look below as long as the eye liner which is very very hard and not really that fabulous, but might work well as an eyeliner to throw into your purse for touch ups.

I used the purples and made this quick look while watching Extreme Makeover: Weight Loss Edition. I am totally in love with these shows. Hopefully you ladies enjoyed this look!

what do you guys think of this palette?

enjoy =)

Sunday, May 29, 2011

How to Fake It...

Hello Ladies! After realizing how truly pale and pasty I was I decided to break out the good ole self-tanners for the summer. Here is my review on the ones I currently have/use:

Sunlab Self Tanning Ultra Drak Instant Tint- This is honestly one of the best self tanners I have tried. No matter how I apply it or how often I get a perfect summer glow, never have I once turned orange. I like to apply this 1-2 times a week. The formulation is amazing does not dry right away gives you plenty of time to spread all over each section. The color is a rich brown that when you apply looks greyish which is what keeps you from turning orange. Always look for a green or grey tint to your self tanners. Another thing I love is the smell to me it smells like cherry vanilla. I don't smell any self tanner scent ever even if I put it on in the morning before work. This tanner is pricey $48 for 8 fl oz except I recently purchased a bottle at TJ Maxx for $16.99. You can buy this online here.
Neutrogena Instant Bronze in Medium- This to me is another great tanner that is more affordable. I use this the same way as the Sunlab Self-Tanner but be careful how much you apply because it does turn a little orange. I love that is gives you an almost automatic color because if you are running low on time before an event and need quick color this allows you to see where you have applied it. This is available at most drugstores (Wal-Mart, Target, Walgreens, Shopko) and usually runs around $6. I do wish it had less of a self tanner smell but it isn't really all that bad.

Quench Plus Touch of Sun for Medium/Dark Skin Tones- Now this is one of my favorite lotions that has a hint of self tanner. These are great for maintaining your fake tan year around. I like to use these in sync with self tanners and by themselves in winter to just give my body a hint of color. This smells amazing barely any self tanner smell and really does gradually give you a hint of color without turning orange. I use this a couple of times a week to keep my tan glowing. I usually purchase this at Shopko for around $6.
Jergens Natural Glow Daily Moisturizer for Medium/Tan Skin Tones- This is one of the first lotions plus self tanners that I had tried. I honestly hate this product. As soon as you open the bottle all you can smell is self tanner. Every time I would wear it I felt like everyone around me knew that I was wearing Jergens Natural Glow. I do feel that I get most orange with this product than any other self tanners that I have previously tried. You can find this at most drugstores (Wal-Mart, Target, Shopko, Walgreens) and is around $6 as well. I would not recommend this product.

Ulta Tinted Self-Tanning Continuous Spray Light Medium- This is one of the first spray self tanners I have tried. I was not really impressed with it. I do enjoy the smells I think it smells fresh and kinda of like "manish" I was not really excited about the color I just felt orange and I have honestly only used this on my legs and every time I use it I end up wearing pants and never wanting to show off my legs. I bought this online at but I just checked the website and it is not available. I want to say I purchased this for under $10.

What tanners do you use? Love? Hate?
Enjoy =)

Friday, May 27, 2011

TAG: How Random?

I discovered this tag on a fellow bloggers blog Jaci. She did a great job, so I decided that I should do this and fill in my lack of blogging lately! Here we go...

1. If you'd have a choice, what would you like to name yourself?
Hmm... this is a great question. I would have to pick Farrah and there is a great story behind this one. I started to introduce myself out at college parties with friends as Farrah so then weird boys could not add me on facebook, works every time =)

2. Do you have a particular colour that you reach out for more than your favorite colour?
My favorite color is green but for makeup I tend to stick to brown and tans for eyeshadow. I also wear a lot of black to work. Just looks so sleek and professional. So yes, there are colors that I reach for more often.

3. Did you have any other ambitions before you settled for your current one?
Ambitions, well I always thought I would move away to a 4 year college and become a nurse but I ended up staying in my hometown and going to a technical school and graduating as a Medical Assistant. I am now working in a job that I love so I guess everything works out for a reason, right? I will move away one day...

4. Do you interlace your shoe laces or lace them across?
I own like 1 pair of shoes with laces and I wear them to workout (when that actually happens)

5. Do you prefer to be a poor, happy kid or a rich, lonely kid?
That one is tough but you know what they always say money doesn't buy happiness. I would choose to be a poor happy kid because thinks can only get better =)

6. If you have the choice, what colour would you like to dye your hair?
I have honestly probably had every hair color in the book, red, brown, black, highlights... the only thing I have never had is straight up blonde hair. I think next I would like to get some warmer highlights on my dark brown hair.

7. If you were stuck on an island, what 3 things you'd bring with you?
Easy one.... Pepsi, Cellphone (iphone), Blanket....

8. Do you prefer tote bags, sling bags or backpacks?
I like tote bags so I can fit all of my junk in there. I am really amazed when I empty out my bag and find hidden treasures in there. I do have a lot of sling bags as well those are always great for shopping so both of your hands are free.

9. Do you have a favourite brand for jewellery/accessories?
I honestly do not wear a lot of jewelry. But I do have a lot of fashion rings that I have collected mostly from Charlotte Russe and Forever 21. They both have great cheap jewelry.

10. Do you have a habit that people found to be irritating?
Hmm... I don't think so but I am annoyed by a lot of peoples habits. biting nails is a big one ...

Alright ladies, I tag all of you
Enjoy =)

Thursday, May 26, 2011

How I Blog

Hello Ladies! I am back once again this time with a random blog that doesn't even mean or amount to anything. I was just watching the Semi-Final basketball game when my little (should I say big) kitty came and decided to take a cute little cat nap right behind me on the couch thought I would snag a picture of her and me. Notice her cute little flower color I got for her at fleet farm. Too Cute.

Just a regular picture of me and how I blog wearing pajamas and no makeup. Although today my hair is in a braid which normally I always wear my hair down so it was a big change.

Have a great day ladies! Enjoy =)

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

TAG: Summer Besties

Hello Ladies, I have seen this tag on youtube and here in the blogging world a few times. So I figured hey, what the heck, right?! Well here we go....

1. Lip Product- I love Vaseline (always a great moisturizing lip product, well moisturizing product for any part of your body really). I really enjoy wearing lipgloss but the wind always ruins that when your hair sticks too it. I prefer to wear lip stick on most summer days. Favorite right now probably Pouty Petal by ELF Mineral Line.

2. Blush- In the summer I skin to bronzer on my cheeks with a shimmery gold highlight (usually a gold eyeshadow). I love NYC Bronzer in Sunny (cheap and amazing)

3. Nail Polish- Sinful Colors Mint Apple. my absolute favorite summer color of all time it is a light minty green/teal. Revlon Peach Petal another amazing peach color and Sally Hansens Liliac

4. Liquid Face Product- Revlon ColorStay Foundation is a great foundation that stays in place. I would also recommend a primer and makeup setting spray. Covergirl Simply Ageless Serum Primer and KVD Makeup Setting Spray

5. Powder Face Product- My top favorite powders are MAC MSN in Medium Natural and MAC Studio Pressed Powder in NC20. AMAZING

6. Hair Product- Any kind of leave in conditioner will be your best friend in the summer some of my favorites include Biosilk Silk Therapy, Bed Head Ego Boost Split End Mender, and Image Intrakera Leave In Conditioner. Also you may want to spray your hair with a heat protectant before a day at the beach.

7. Eye Product- I am not a fan of water proof mascara I find it really drying and it always flakes off. I love to wear shimmery eye shadow on my eyes especially gold, tan, and browns. I do through an occasional color liner.

8. Self-Tanner- I recently purchased Sunlabs dark self tanner and so far I am loving it! I usually use a lotion + self tanner most days and my favorite is by Oil of Olay Touch of Sun Medium to Dark Skin tones. I do not find myself getting orange with each of these. Another one of my tricks is to use a regular self tanner and your favorite scented lotion together to make your own lotion + self tanner to get a gradual glow without spending extra money!

9. Fashion Accessory- Big glittery fashion rings and fake toe nails!! I know call me weird but I am always applying fake toe nails in the summer my favorite are by Kiss ($6 at Wal-Mart) the recommend that you only keep them on for like 1 week or something but I wear them until they fall off =) Probably not the best idea but its okay. I have a million flashy rings that I love to wear in the summer they catch the sun light and attract everyones eye.

10. Clothing Piece- I love love love strappy sandals in every color. My favorite flip flops came from Claire's and were $10 they have black straps and tons of studs everywhere. I love these!!!

Alright Ladies, what are your summer BESTIES?

Enjoy =)

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Graduation & Birthday

Hello Ladies! So of course I promise pictures from graduation and my birthday well we ended up not staying long at graduation I didn't even get a picture of my whole outfit =(.... and when I went out for my birthday I just ended up hanging with some friends having a couple drinks. Anyways here are the pictures I did get

Yeah, nothing that great. Oh well right.... Hopefully I will get back in the swing of blogging again it has been a couple days! I did pick up some Sunlab Dark Tanning lotion which I am dying to try! As you can see by this pictures I am PALE, and I mean PALE.... I have been neglecting the tanning bed and my self tanners. Summer here I come Enjoy =)

Saturday, May 21, 2011


Hey Ladies!!! It is my birthday! What is better than a a whole bunch of photos!!

Crandon 2010

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Daily Dimes

Hello Ladies!!!! I am back with another daily dimes post. I have had a lot going on this week but I have managed to add a few posts here and there. Well I have an exciting weekend coming up my brother is graduating college (yay!) and it is my birthday (yay!), both are on Saturday I am ready to celebrate both. Whoop Whoop, can you say drinks?! Anyways I am going to bring my camera and hopefully I will get some great shots I am already planning my outfit. I am kicking myself in the ass though right now because I was at Target today and they had these cute black heels that would look great with my outfit and get this they were on clearance for 14.95, yeah and they are fucking gorgeous!!!! So before work tomorrow I am going to rush over there and grab those heels if they still have them in my size. I will post a picture if I grab them sometime soon.

Throwback picture from 2009

Anyways I am planning on wearing my black high waisted skirt and some sorta of top that I am not quite sure of yet but I know I will figure it out but then... which is like 24 hours away BUT still. So look for some posts from graduation and my birthday. I might not look so hot by the end of the night but I will try my best!!!

So I recently raved about the Got2B flat iron balm, well I am still loving it. I forgot to add in there that my hair has never stayed so damn straight all day. I am not kidding ladies, I have naturally wavy hair and when it starts to get humid out there is ALMOST no point in straightening my hair because it ends up look like a frizzy mess. Our weather here in Wisconsin has been humid and rainy and since I have been spraying this on I have not had my hair ever stay this straight. I seriously suggest you try that product out!

What have I been lovin?
  • Got2B Flat Iron Balm
  • UV Blue Raspberry (throwback to the high school days)
  • Gel Liner from ELF Cosmetics
  • Done with Finals
  • NARS Orgasm Illuminator as a cheek highlight and lip tint
  • Gain Laundry Soap
Well that is probably all that I have for you ladies! Oh wait, I just wanted to say how pissed I was at NYX Cosmetics, they posted this thing on Facebook about their anniversary sale and then said they were going to offer a promo code for free shipping and half off. Well I am still waiting for that code. I think they only sent it out to people who attempted to order stuff well you know what! I am pissed because I couldn't even get the damn page to load. I am boycotting them for awhile. What a shame! You ladies have that problem too?

Enjoy =)

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

OOTD: Work to Night

Hello Ladies! So I had posted a blog with an OOTD from work here. Then that night I went out to a friends boyfriend's softball game for the bar league that night. I just threw on some jeans and a fleece.

As far as my makeup I just added some black eyeliner on the top lashes Maybelline line stiletto and winged it out just a little bit. I also darked the crease with Maybelline Dark Brown shadow and applied Clinque face powder in Soft Vanilla. Don't mind my undone eye brows =), I have been lazy lately okay?!? I took this picture before I had put on any lip products but I ended up wearing ELF's Mineral Lipstick in Pouty Petal which is a darker pink that just warms up your natural lip color.

Also, in case you ladies didn't know I actually dyed my hair dark brown on Sunday. I did it from a box, I always do. I used Garnier Nutrisse in Chocolate Brown. At first I was a little nervous when my whole head started to turn black but I actually really love the dark brown color I have now I was so sick of the red color I have had for so long.

Hopefully you ladies enjoy this post!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Review: Got2B Guardian Angel Flat Iron Balm

Hello Ladies! I am back with another review this time is a RAVE review! I recently discovered this heat protectant while at Wal-Mart with the intent to repurchase the Treseme Heat Tamer Spray. I honestly LOVE LOVE the Treseme one but this one by Got2B is amazing.

You can get this product at almost any drugstore (Wal-Mart, Walgreens, Target) and it only cost me $4.82 at my local Wal-Mart, which is honestly such a great deal. You get a total of 6.8 fl oz.

I have been using this product for like I would say roughly 4 weeks now. I use it before I blow dry my hair and before I use any heat tools on it. I also love the smell so much that I like to throw it in my purse and freshen up my hair after I am done with work. I honestly promise you will love the smell. I think I enjoy the smell so much I actually spray on way more than I really need. I do not find that this makes my hair greasy at all or feel sticky. I have used Chi Iron Guard and I am not a fan it, that leaves my hair feeling sticky and stiff. This Iron Balm leaves your hair feeling soft and shiny after you use it. Got2b also claims that this protects up to 425 degrees Fahrenheit, which I totally agree with. I have adjustable heat on my of my hair tools and I love to crank that heat all the up every time.

Don't let the term "balm" scare you, I was honestly thinking that this would come out kinda of thick and sticky and in NO WAY does this happen. I do not have any bad things to say about this product.


  • Affordable
  • AMAZING smell
  • No thick/sticky feeling
  • Available many places

You ladies try this out and let me know what you think! If you have tried it let me know also! Enjoy =)

Monday, May 16, 2011

OOTD: Work

Hello Ladies! I had some extra time this morning and I decided I would snap a few quick shots of my outfit for work. I work in Medical Research and we are required to wear professional work attire (whatever that means). My manager isn't really strick on what we wear, we are allowed to wear sandals =) but no jeans. I tend to wear a lot of darker colors and not that much color and today was another example of that.

What I am wearing

Black Pants-JcPenny

Black Top- Forever 21

Green Scarf- My best friend got this for me in China

White Tank Top- Kohls

I keep my makeup pretty simple when I go to work and usually darken it up after if I go out. I did use my new eyeshadow that I got from my birchbox this month (so exciting). My eyes are pretty simple and my face makeup is pretty natural.

What I am wearing


CoverGirl Simple Ageless Primer
MAC fix + under foundation
Revlon ColorStay in 180 Sand Beige
Mac Minerialized Skin Finish in Medium
Hard Candy Glamoflauge Concealer in Light
Blush-Jane in Earthly Sheer
KVD Makeup Setting Spray over the whole face


Stila Eyeshadow in Sparkle all over lid
Maybelline Dark Brown in crease
MAC highlight in Shimmer (from a MSF) on brow bone
Rimmel Eyeliner in Brown with ELF gel liner in Olive on water line & tight line & smugged on top
Lo'Real Voluminous Mascara in Black


Jordana LOL lipgloss in TTYL

Hope you ladies Enjoy!!!! =)

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Review: Head and Shoulders Smooth & Silky

Hello Ladies! Just wanted to put up a little quick review blog about one of my favorite drugstore shampoo's and conditioner's. I love to try out new shampoos and conditioners from the drugstore. I know everyone claims they are SO bad for your hair but I am sorry I love a lot of them especially this one! I find myself coming back to this duo a lot. I do find that a lot of people think this shampoo/conditioner is only for people with dandruff, totally a lie. This leaves my hair feeling soft, silky, and totally shiny.
It is an added bonus that if you do get some flakes during the changing weather this stuff will keep your scalp in check.

I love the smell of this, I cannot even describe it really but it is just amazing. I would really suggest that you definitely try it out. Enjoy =)

What are your top picks for drugstore shampoo and conditioner?

Saturday, May 14, 2011

May Birchbox....

Hello Ladies! I got my birchbox yesterday and I didn't even see that my Dad had set it on the table. Anyways either way it was a great surprise this morning. I opened the box and all I could smell was the pomegranate soap, smellllllls amazing. I think I am going to bring it in the shower this morning I love it that much...So here it is!

Products I got this month:
  • Stila- Eyeshadow in Sparkle- an easy-to-blend shadow with a velvety texture-apply it dry for a wash of color, or add a little water to turn it into a water 0.09 oz $18 ( I was surprised that they gave us a fullsized eyeshadow, this isn't even a sample!!!!)
  • Bulgari-Mon Jasmin Noir- The Italian fragrance house's latest winner has waves of ripe fruit with a base of heady jasmine 50 ML $80
  • Archipelago- Pomegranate Soap- A triple-milled(read: ultra smooth) soap loaded antioxidant-rich white tea and pomegranate to gently clean hands and body. 6.8 fl oz $12.50
  • Ahava-Mineral Hand Cream- This satiny cream is rich without being heavy, and sinks into skin for major therapeutic benefits. 3.4 fl oz $20
  • Tiny Prints- Card- we're hooked on Tiny Prints, which lets you customize all their adorable greeting cards from birthday wishes to thank you notes.

Hope you ladies Enjoy=)

Friday, May 13, 2011

If I die young...

Hello Ladies! I do not have a post about makeup or anything beauty for that matter. I have been struggling this past month with a lot of loss. I have lost some great people in my life uncle, grandma, and a classmate. I sit here with no emotion left in me to express myself anymore.
I sit here with no expression listening to my friends final song at his funeral this afternoon If I Die Young by The Band Perry. This song will forever replay in my head for the loss of my loved ones, especially you Josh.

I have great memories with each lost love ones

My great uncle Ted always wanted to show off his train collection and I always thought of him as another grandpa! I was always so lucky to have 3 Grandpas

My Grandma Judy always the best gift giver I will never forget the year I got panty liners for Christmas always something useful or the fact that I couldn't interupt her if Wheel of Fortune or Jeporody was on tv.

My long lost love Josh I will always remember wearing your green sweater to high school to show everyone that I was 'your" girl. I remember nights of laying next to you... you always had a smile on your face and the 21 years you lasted was not enough

I will never forget you, ever.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

How To: Grow Your Hair Long...

Hello Ladies! I decided that today I would write a blog about how I grew my hair long in 2 years! The first picture is me on my graduation in May of 2009 and the next picture is from last week. There is quite a difference in length. Now I aways hear people say they did a "no heat" summer or only used heat on their hair once a week, well sorry ladies but I did not do that. I always straightened my hair and blow dried it every morning. It really all depends on your hair type.

I have naturally wavy hair but my hair can tolerate a lot of heat before it gets damaged. While I was growing my hair out I also was coloring it every 6 weeks and I even did some blonde bleaching (now that really did damage my hair). I would only get a hair cut when my ends would start to get dry. I did shower and shampoo my hair daily. I would advise the following things to keep your hair healthy while growing it out:
  • Deep Conditioning at least once a week ( I love Aussie 3-minute miracle conditioner )
  • Use a heat protectant
  • Use some kind of leave in conditioner after showering
  • Get a hair cut/trim when your hair needs it. Keeping split ends around just makes your hair look dry and it just keeps splitting the longer you keep em hangin on

Hopefully these helps you ladies out! Enjoy =)

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Beauty Tag: Skincare and Makeup =)

I found this on my girl Brittany's blog and a few others. I figured why not fill it out?


How many times do you wash your face daily? Once in the shower and once before bed

What skin type do you have? Combo, pretty oily and acne prone

What is your current cleanser? Neutrogena Pink Grapefruit Cream Cleanser and Lo'Real 360 Clean(orange one)

Do you exfoliate? Nope- Yes, I know it is bad BUT I love it.

What moisturizer do you use? On my face usually clinque dramatically different moisturizing gel. On my body usually a smelly Bath and Body product and Olay Touch of Sun

Do you have freckles? A few, mostly from the sun.

Do you use eye cream? No.

Do you or did you have acne prone skin? Yes

Did you ever have to use Pro-activ? Yes, and I absolutely hated it. I did think it might have worked but really it did not.


What foundation do you use? Usually Revlon ColorStay in 200 Nude/180 Sand beige. I am trying out CoverGirl NatureLux Foundation

How about concealer? Hard Candy Glamoflage

Do you know your undertone color? I have more of an Olive skin tone but I do have a lot of redness on my face

What do you think of fake eyelashes? I think they good great on others but I have a lot of eye lashes already sometimes I feel like a hooch

Did you know that you are suppose to change your mascara every 3 months? Of Course but I don't.

What brand of mascara do you use? Lo'Real Voluminous Mascara, Bare Minerals Something(forget the name) and Almay Intense I Color.

Sephora or MAC? I don't own a lot of high end products because I don't have the money to spend on it but I would rather stop at Sephora if the people would just leave me alone and let me shop

Do you have a MAC Pro-card? No

What makeup tools do you use in make up application? FOUNDATION-sponge or my fingers, not a fan of foundation brushes BLUSH- ELF blush brush, BRONZER- usually ELF powder brush, EYES- I have a whole bunch of brushes so skip this

Do you use make-up base/primer for the eyes? Yes, ELF eyelid primer

For the face? Yes, CoverGirl Simply Ageless Serum Primer or HardCandy Primer .

What is your favorite eyeshadow (color or shade)? Oh man this is a toughy I have a green creme shadow from Smashbox or the Sands quad from Covergirl

Do you use pencil or liquid eyeliner? both and gel liner

How often do you poke your eyes with an eyeliner? Probably never.

What do you think of pigment eyeshadows? They are super rich in color but are a mess.

Do you use mineral makeup? MAC MSFN is my everyday staple

What is your favorite lipstick? ELF Studio Pouty Petal

How about lipgloss? Revlon Colorstay lip glaze any color or BUXOM Rock Girls Set

What is your favorite blush to use? Any ELF Studio Blushes- they have great pigmentation and last forever

Do you buy your makeup on ebay? No, I don't really buy anything on ebay

Do you like drugstore makeup? Yes. the majority of my makeup is from the drugstore a lot of the products are hit and miss but if you look fore reviews you can pick up some great products but to each is his own.

Do you go to CCOs (Cosmetic Company Outlets)? Yes, when I go shopping at the outlet mall like 2 hours away which is never. I have only purchased 2 products from there

Did you ever consider taking make-up classes? Yes, but where I live we don't have any makeup store unless I want to work at the clinque counter.

Are you clumsy in putting on makeup? Clumsy? Weird Question. I don't think so....

Name a makeup crime that you hate? Drawn on BLACK eyebrows.(brittany's answer) and Dark Lip Liner with Light lip gloss or too much blush

Do you like colorful shades of makeup (lipstick,eyeshadow) or neutral ones? Both. Usually I wear neutrals, but when I do something at night I usually add a little color.

Which celebrity(ties) always has great make up? Kim Kardashian, Victoria Beckham, Robin Meade (on the news)

If you had to leave the house using just ONE make up item, what would you use? Foundation.

Could you ever leave the house without any makeup on? Eh, I love my makeup but I guess I could

Do you think you look good even without any makeup on? Sadly no.

In your opinion, what is the BEST makeup line? This is Hard there are so many greats.. MAC, Smashbox, Urban Decay, Revlon, Clinque... everything is great some how

What do you think of Makeup? LOVE IT! It can turn your frown upside down and give you the best confidence boost.

Hope you Ladies enjoy =)
Have a great day.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

OOTD: Lunch Date

Hey Ladies! I went on a lunch date with my friend Nikki to a local Mexican Restaurant which is AMAZING. We go usually every Sunday and well today is Sunday!! Here are some pictures:

Jeans: Silver Tuesdays
Top: Black tank top from Kohls
Grey Sweater from Kohls
Boots: Burlington Coat Factory

Jacket: Kohls

Hope you Ladies Enjoyed your Sunday! Keep in Touch =)
